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NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2014-08-14   Browse:2657
 NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables 

NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables - Standard 

NFC32-070: Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour. 

NFF16-101 Railway Rolling Stock Fire Behavior Choice of Material 

NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables - Brief 

Halogen Free Control Cable With Numbered Conductors, NF C32-070 C1 is a halogen free multi-conductor, flexible power and control cable designed for use in all electrical equipment in dry, damp and wet conditions. Recommended applications include machinery, data processing equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In case of fire, no corrosive gases are produced. This cable is particularly suitable for use where human life and valuable property are exposed to an extremely high risk of fire. 

NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables - Requirement 

A vertically installed cable or a bundle of cable is exposed to the effects of a radiating over (approx.830) and forced ventilation. Pilot flames arranged above the over burn off the emitted gasses. The test duration is 30 minutes. The cable length is 1600mm.The classification according to destroy area. 

Then, they are submitted to the category C1 test of the NF C 32-070. Depending on the results (degraded length), they are classified in four classed A, B, C, D, 







No ignition and no degradation beyond the upper part of the furnace

Length of degradation beyond the upper part of the furnace does not exceed 50mm

Length of degradation beyond the upper part of the furnace does not exceed 300mm

Length of degradation does not exceed the top of the furnace

 NF C32-070 Classification tests on cables – Reference standard 

NFF16-101 Railway Rolling Stock Fire Behavior Choice of Material 

DIN5510-2 : Preventive fire protection in railway vehicles; Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods 

EN45545-2: Fire protection of railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviours of materials and components - R15 / R16 

EN60332-3-24: 2010-08 Test on Electric and Optical Fibre Cables under Fire Conditions Part 3-24: Test For vertical flame spread of vertically---Mounted bunched wires or cables Category C (IEC 60332-3-24:2000 + A1:2008) 

DIN EN 50266-2-5 Common Test Methods for Cables under Fire Conditions - Test for Vertical Flame Spread of Vertically-Mounted Bunched Wires or Cables Part 2-5: procedures – Category D 

DIN EN 50305: Railway applications. Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance. Test methods 

DIN EN 60332-1-2: Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions Part 1-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame


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