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Sell LED electronic components module potting silica gel

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Product/Service: LED electronic components module potting silica gel  
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Address: China
Validity Period: Longterm Validity
Last Update: 2014-05-22
Browse: 991
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Detailed Description

1, according to specific requirements to choose transparent type and flame retardant products, transparent type proportional mi

 1, according to specific requirements to choose transparent type and flame retardant products, transparent type proportional mix part A and B two mix evenly, after vacuum can be used TuoPao after, flame retardant for long-term storage of compound precipitate, before the use should respectively, again will mix part A and part B mixed vege, row bubble can be used.
 2, by potting electric components should be cleaned, HongGan or dry, first potting at room temperature, potting hind should vacuum remove bubbles.

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