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ORBIS to manufacture new deca-bromine-free reusable plastic pallets

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-07-11   Source:the internet   Browse:701

ORBIS Corporation, a manufacturer of sustainable reusable packaging and an expert in supply chain optimization, recently announced that it has received approval from Factory Mutual Insurance (FM) for a new fire-retardant material, free of deca-bromine, for use in its family of FM-approved, fire retardant pallets.


ORBIS has been proactively researching and testing a fire-retardant material, free of deca-bromine, to replace the current additive used in its fire-retardant pallets.


Effective immediately, all ORBIS FM-approved pallets can be manufactured in this new additive, making ORBIS one of the leading manufacturers in the reusable packaging industry using this innovative material.


"ORBIS is dedicated to developing solutions that work for companies across a variety of industries," says Andrea Nottestad, ORBIS' marketing manager of consumer goods. "Our pursuit of this material, and its subsequent approval by Factory Mutual, puts our reusable plastic pallets at the forefront of the industry. "As deca-bromine comes under continued scrutiny, we are proud to offer the industry the first approved deca-bromine free solution for fire-retardant pallets."


ORBIS had offered a family of FM-approved, fire-retardant pallets for use in specialized applications for nearly a decade. While deca-bromine has commonly been used in household items requiring flame retardancy, including plastic housings for television sets, insulation for wiring, furniture and fabrics, it has, as a chemical additive, come under scrutiny recently. Several U.S. states have ordered a phase-out ban on the material, to be completed no later than 2013.


Effective immediately, ORBIS Corporation will manufacture more than 20 pallets with the new FM-approved deca-bromine free additive. Included among those 20 pallets are the popular RackoCell, Stack'R and Structo-Cell offerings.

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