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Composites Germany launches new conference in conjunction with Composites Europe

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2014-10-24   Browse:5859
Composites Germany (Berlin, Germany) announced at the Composites Europe 2014 trade fair that it is launching a new conference in 2015 to coincide with Composites Europe 2015, which will be held in Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. 22-24, 2015.
The new event, called the Composites Germany Conference, will replace the traditional AVK conference offered just prior to Composites Europe. Dr. Michael Effing, who was re-elected as chairman of Composites Germany for a further year, says the conference's working title is "Composites – On the Path to Becoming a Key Industry?" It will highlight the aspects of the industry that generate innovations and can contribute to the transformation of the composites sector into a key area of the national economy.
"Composites are an important area for high wage countries such as Germany. We see a need for a separate conference to focus attention on this highly relevant subject — independently of special interests. At the same time, we do not wish to overload the event market, which is already relatively full, with an additional conference," says Dr. Elmar Witten, spokesman for the management of Composites Germany and managing director of AVK. In terms of lectures, presentations and visitors, the conference will be even more international than the previous AVK event. This reflects the general trend of growing international competition in the composites industry.
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