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Yao Ming joins China's 1st A380 maiden voyage

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        China's first Airbus A 380 is seen at terminal two at Beijing Capital Airport, Oct 17, 2011. The new plane had its first maiden flight from Beijing to Guangzhou on Oct 17, 2011. It is the first of five A380 jets that China Southern Airline ordered from Airbus. It will fly on commercial domestic routes between Beijing and Guangzhou from Oct 17 to Oct 26 and between Beijing and Shanghai Pudong International Airport from Oct 27 to Oct 29 and then, it will serve international routes. The double-decker aircraft has 506 seats - 428 in economy class, 70 business class seats and eight first class. 

       China's first Airbus A 380 is seen at terminal two at Beijing Capital Airport, Oct 17, 2011. It started its maiden flight from Beijing to Guangzhou on Oct 17, 2011.

 Yao Ming sits in the passenger cabin of China's first A380 that will start its maiden voyage from Beijing to Guangzhou, Oct 17, 2011. [Photo/Xinhua]
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