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The State Council's Work Safety Commission will supervise the investigation of the deadly gas explos

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2021-06-15   Browse:568

On June 13, a gas explosion occurred in the market of Yanhu community, Zhangwan District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. The latest report shows that up to now, 25 people have been killed in the accident.

Together with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Emergency Management has asked local governments to locate markets and catering businesses that use gas and make sure they all have gas leakage alert systems installed as soon as possible.

More than 2,000 people, including 210 firefighters, have been involved in the search and rescue work, and 913 households near the market have been evacuated for their safety .

A team has been set up to investigate the blast, and Hubei will launch a province-wide blanket inspection to root out potential work safety hazards.

The commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management also asked local governments to better educate the public about evacuation procedures and to carry out drills so they won't panic when accidents happen.

Working groups from the central departments have been sent to guide the handling of the accident, while a national medical team has also been dispatched to Shiyan.

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