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FSK re-elects Dow's Strietholt as polyurethane section chairman

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2013-07-23   Source: PUWORLD   Browse:684

The Fachverband Schaumkunstoffe und Polyurethane has re-elected Wilhelm Strietholt of Dow Chemical Co. Germany as chairman for polyurethane section, the FSK announced.

His deputy, Martin Dietrich of Getzner Textil A.G., was re-elected, and Wilhelm Rupertsberger of Fill GmbH was newly elected as deputy, said FSK.

The FSK is a wide-ranging polymer foam-based interest group. Polyurethane companies comprise the largest membership with more than 100 firms in membership, said FSK. Companies all along the supply chain are members from raw material and machinery suppliers to original equipment manufacturers.

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