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Europur comments on flexible PU foam association VWI disbandment

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-06-26   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:572

The European Association of Flexible Foam Blocks Manufacturers has clarified its stance on the recent disbandment of the German flexible polyurethane foam association VWI. In a press release dated 22 June, Europur states that the breakup of the association was intimately tied to local circumstances, dismissing claims that the disbandment was mainly the result of an EU investigation into possible price fixing among flexible polyurethane foam manufacturers.

In addition, the association clarified that the timing of the withdrawal of VWI from Europur did not coincide with the resignation of Poland’s flexible PU foam association Polpur from the European umbrella organisation. Whereas VWI’s resignation was dated 4 May, that of Polpur was marked 10 February. The association emphasised that it does not believe “the resignation of VWI will create a know-how loss at Europur level.”

At its recent general assembly in Budapest / Hungary, Europur formally announced a review of several of its by-laws, including the possibility of enabling foam producers to directly join the pan-European association. If approved, the new membership option could go into effect in September.

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