TB/T 3237 Chinese Fire test standard for railway vehicles - Standard
TB/T 3237 Flame retardant technical specification of decorating materials for multiple unit train
TB/T 3237 Chinese Fire test standard for railway vehicles – Test Method
GB 2406 Oxygen index test
UIC 564 Combustion test
GB 8323 Smoke density test
TB 3237 Part 4.4 Smoke toxicity test
TB/T 3237 Chinese Fire test standard for railway vehicles – Scope
This Standard is applicable to the flame retardant decorating materials for the multiple unit train with an operation speed larger than or equal to 200km/h.
This Standard specifies the flame retardant property requirements and test methods for the decorating materials for multiple unit train.
TB/T 3237 Chinese Fire test standard for railway vehicles – Reference Standard
GB/T 2406.2 Plastics - Determination of Burning Behavior by Oxygen Index
GB/T 10707 Rubber - Determination of the Burning
GB/T 8323.2 Determination of Optical Density by a Single-chamber Test
UIC 564-2 Regulations relating to fire protection