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Boeing invests in University of Nottingham carbon fiber recycling program

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-11-17   Source:Composites World 12   Browse:623
Boeing has pledged $1 million a year for at least three years to support carbon fiber recycling research and development at the University of Nottingham.

The University of Nottingham (Nottingham, U.K.) reported on Oct. 25 that The Boeing Co. (Seattle, Wash., USA)  plans to invest $1 million per year in a strategic research collaboration through which Boeing will collaborate with Nottingham in all its composites recycling activities.


The collaboration with Boeing will further develop:


Recycling processes


Technology to process recycled fiber into new applications

And new products using recycled materials, in collaboration with other suppliers.


Sir Roger Bone, president of Boeing UK, launched this major new collaborative investment in carbon fiber recycling research involving Boeing Commercial Airplanes and The University of Nottingham’s Faculty of Engineering. “Boeing wants to be able to recycle composite materials from manufacturing operations to improve product sustainability and to develop more efficient ways of recycling aircraft retired from commercial service,” says Bone. “The ultimate aim is to insert recycled materials back into the manufacturing process, for instance, on the plane in non-structural sustainable interiors applications, or in the tooling we use for manufacture. This work helps us create environmental solutions throughout the lifecycle of Boeing products.”


Aerospace is a priority research area for this university,” said Professor Andy Long, dean of the Faculty of Engineering, professor of Mechanics of Materials and director of the Institute for Aerospace Technology. “This recognizes the sector’s potential for growth and our ability to deliver influential world-class research and knowledge transfer to address global issues and challenges. Our agreement formalizes a long-term working commitment between The University of Nottingham and Boeing. We have been working together for over six years on mutual R&D activities in aircraft recycling as well as novel applications for power electronics. We share the aims of improving environmental performance of aircraft and using materials more sustainably."

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