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Calls for EU to proactively promote use of bioplastics

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2011-10-11   Source:European plastics news   Browse:676

The European Union (EU) has been asked to take a proactive role in promoting the use and production of bioplastics at a high level conference and exhibition staged in Brussels by industry body European Bioplastics.


Plastics and the Bio-Economy – The Evolution of Bioplastics’ heard calls from the organisation’s chair Andy Sweetman for bioplastics to be added as a priority topic in research and development under the planned EU ‘Innovation Union’ strategy. He also pressed for bioplastics to be included as power generation feedstock sources within EU renewable energy targets for 2020 and 2030, noting: “Bio-based plastics should constitute a new option to fulfil the targets on renewable energy utilisation.”


Dutch Christian Democrat MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij, European Parliament Knowledge4Innovation Forum chairman, agreed that EU support would be important for an industry struggling to realise its full potential n Europe. He said: “Bioplastics offer great opportunities for smart and sustainable growth in the EU. There are already numerous proposals for supportive measures with regard to bioplastics. It is vital that EU policy focuses on implementing them in the short and mid-term.”


Marc Verbruggen, CEO and president of bioplastics company NatureWorks said Europe had great potential as a bioplastics market, and stressed European manufacturers should consider locating in Europe, despite the lower cost emerging market competition.

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