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German railway car firm sets up representative office in Taicang

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Niesky Co, a German railway car manufacturing company, announced to establish its representative office in Taicang, Jiangsu province at the opening ceremony on Nov 8.
President of Niesky Co in China said that this is the first time the company has set up a Chinese agency, which is expected to help Niesky gain closer relationship with its Chinese suppliers.
He introduced that the company will consider entering the Chinese market in the future, though most of the company's clients comes from Europe.
Local officials commented that Niesky's representative office in Taicang strengthened the team of local German companies and will promote the innovative development of China and Germany's railway cars manufacturing industries.
With a history of more than 180 years, Niesky Co is an outstanding railway car manufacturer in Europe with vast expereince in manufacturing and developing railway cars. It also has advanced technologies in new type bogie, which has low noise and is easy to maintain.
DIN 5510-2: Fire test to railway components
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