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New composites technology center opens in Turkey

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2016-09-18   Browse:994
Composite reinforcement specialist Kordsa Global (Istanbul, Turkey) and Sabanc? University in Turkey have opened the Composite Technologies Center of Excellence to create a technology hub. The center will operate in the field of high-technology composite materials, with a focus varying from aviation to automotive. Kordsa Global’s production engineers and Sabanc? University’s academic members and doctoral students are working together in the R&D and production processes at the center. 
The opening ceremony of Composite Technologies Center of Excellence was held with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Binali Y?ld?r?m; Faruk ?zlü, the Minister of Science, Industry and Technology; Lütfi Elvan, the Minister of Development; Ahmet Arslan, the Minister of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication; Fikri I??k, the Minister of National Defense; Güler Sabanc?, the Chair of Sabanc? Holding and Founding Chair of the Board of Trustees of Sabanc? University and Prof. Nihat Berker, the President of Sabanc? University.
Güler Sabanc? noted the following in her opening remarks:
“Today we are at Composites Technologies Center of Excellence Opening Ceremony, to introduce a new model that will set an example for our country. As Kordsa Global and Sabanc? University, we are taking a new initiative, in an area with crucial strategic importance for our country. We are embarking on a new journey to with which our country can make a difference with advanced technology, and even become a global power, a major player in the big league. Today, we are not only investing for tomorrow, but for the next 10-20-30 years of Turkey.”
ecosafene centre:
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