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Plexus receives EN45545-2 accreditation for its methyl-methacrylate adhesives

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European manufacturer Plexus, a supplier of methyl methacrylate adhesives to the global rail industry, recently received the accreditation for R1/ Part 2 of EN45545-2:2013 standard for Toxicity – EN45545 Annex C (ISO 5659), Flammability (ISO 5658-2) and Heat Release (ISO 5660-2) for five products.
Plexus adhesives MA300, MA310, MA420, MA515 and MA515 comply with R1 requirements for Hazard Levels HL1 – HL3 across all design and operational categories of rail vehicles.
The accredited range offers high structural strength resulting in enhanced durability. A reduction in VOC emissions to make it safer to use in confined spaces and resistance to high heat and ageing demonstrates excellent environmental and chemical endurance. With a range of working and fixture times Plexus offers adhesives suitable for both internal and external structures, and the ability to bond to a wide range of materials.
“There are many applications in the railway industry which require enhanced fire performance characteristics, so we are pleased to be able to offer products that can meet these stringent demands” said Griff Goddard, sales manager. “We continue to offer a wide range of structural adhesives which are perfectly suitable for use where fire performance has not been specified as critical to the application. The certification to EN45545-2 is part of Plexus’s commitment towards offering the highest quality products accredited to industry recognized standards, and we feel our product offering to the rail industry is now amongst the best available.”
EN 45545-2:2013 Fire test to railway component–EU Standard
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