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Webinar: Epoxy in mass-produced automotive composites

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2016-06-27   Browse:741
CompositesWorld is offering a free Hexion Inc.-sponsored webinar titled, "New Developments for Mass Production of Epoxy Automotive Composites," being presented on Wednesday, July 27 at 2:00 p.m. EDT.
Abstract: The use of composite materials for lightweighting faces an outdated perception of only supporting low manufacturing volumes at high cost. However, ongoing developments in processing and epoxy resin system technologies have made it much more cost effective to support automotive mass production. Technologies such as high-pressure resin transfer (HP-RTM), liquid and prepreg compression molding in combination with newer fast-cure epoxy resin technologies have demonstrated themselves in series vehicle production. This presentation highlights several in-production examples and provides an overview of the technologies in use. Finally, the seminar offers a model for achieving optimum performance and cost in the design of lightweight composite parts.   
Primary topics:
How carbon fiber-reinforced composites are saving up to 50% part weight over equivalent steel designs in series production vehicles
How epoxy process technology and resin cure times are no longer a limiting factor for support of series automotive production
How smart/integrated design can yield optimum performance and cost
Webinar presenter will be Cedric Ball, business development manager - automotive, Hexion Inc.
95/28/EC - Fire Test to Motor Vehicle - European Directive
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