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Shanghai to build 10 times more vehicle charging piles by 2020

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2016-04-07   Browse:477
 Shanghai will install more than 210,000 charging piles by 2020, 10 times of that of 2015, according to a Shanghai municipal government's website on Tuesday, reported.
In a soon-to-be released plan on charging infrastructure for Shanghai's electric vehicle, the ratio between public charging piles and new energy vehicles cannot be lower than 1:7. 
Shanghai will build or save 100 percent charging rooms of the total parking space in new residential buildings from now on.
By the end of 2015, Shanghai had built 21,700 charging piles, more than 16,500 of which were constructed in residential areas. The city also has 57,000 new energy vehicles running on the road, according to the report.
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