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An overview of the global market for polyester polyols

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2013-04-22   Source:PUWORLD   Browse:576
The demand for Aromatic Polyester Polyols has continued to grow in recent years despite the challenging economic conditions. The total market for aromatic polyester polyols was estimated at 584,190 tonnes in 2012. Western Europe and North America represent the largest markets with 36% and 39% share of the global markets, respectively. These markets are driven by the increasing demand for high quality thermal insulation, in particular flexible-faced PIR panels, in an effort to improve the energy efficiency of the new and existing building stock. The global market is expected to grow by an average 4.4% annually over the next five years with fastest growth taking place in Asia, above all China.
The market for Aliphatic Polyester Polyols is dominated by the huge demand from Chinese end users for elastomer and coating applications. Footwear elastomers, primarily microcellular soles, represent the largest end-use application for aliphatic polyester polyols. The markets in Europe and North America are more stagnant with most growth expected to come from the adhesive applications over the next five years.  The total market was estimated at 1,519,970 tonnes in 2012, with China accounting for a reported 53% of the total demand. The market is expected to grow by 8.0% annually over the next five years, with most growth present in Asia.
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