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NFPA 1925 Standard on Marine Fire-Fighting Vessels

Zoom  Zoom Issue Date:2012-02-10   Browse:1399
NFPA 1925 海上消防船舶标准
NFPA 1925 Standard on Marine Fire-Fighting Vessels
NFPA 1925 海上消防船舶标准
1.1.1 This standard shall provide minimum requirements for marine fire-fighting vessels. 1.1.2 This standard shall also provide minimum maintenance and testing requirements.
Comply with the 2008 NFPA 1925 to build new marine fire-fighting vessels or convert existing vessels for maximum performance and safety.
The 2008 NFPA 1925 Marine Fire-Fighting Vessels has been updated to reflect the latest vessel classifications and capabilities which are consistent with the NIMS DHS, focused on upgraded pumping capacity and identified fire-fighting equipment.
This vital Standard defines five classes of fire-fighting vessels and specifies
·    Design considerations
·    Classifications
·    Fire-fighting system capabilities
·    Foam systems
·    Owner responsibilities
·    Fire protection equipment for the vessel
·    Fire-fighting and emergency equipment for the vessel
·    Subdivision and stability criteria
·    Main propulsion and auxiliary systems
·    Auxiliary machinery and systems
·    Electrical systems
·    Outfitting
·    Communications and equipment
·    Navigation systems and equipment
·    Protective coatings and corrosion protection
·    Tests and trials
·    Vessel maintenance
(Softbound, 48 pp., 2008)
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